Week 4- MagicSchool AI

Part I: Lesson Planner in MagicSchool AI

MagicSchool AI Lesson planner application was used to address the following New Jersey Performing Arts Theatre standard for 12th grade: Advanced ● 1.4.12adv.Cr3a: Explore physical, vocal and psychological characteristics to create a multidimensional character that is believable and authentic in devised or scripted theatre work. Additional standards that the application was asked to address were the ISTE standards for students. 

Attached is a link to the Lesson Plan that was provided. The full text is below.

Exploring Multidimensional Characters in Theatre


Students will be able to explore physical, vocal, and psychological characteristics to create a multidimensional character that is believable and authentic in devised or scripted theatre work.


Students will showcase their understanding by creating a character profile that includes detailed descriptions of the character's physical appearance, vocal traits, and psychological traits. They will also perform a short monologue in character to demonstrate their understanding of creating a multidimensional character.

Key Points:

  • Understanding the importance of physical, vocal, and psychological characteristics in creating a believable character
  • Exploring techniques to develop multidimensional characters in devised or scripted theatre work
  • Applying knowledge to create a character profile and perform a monologue in character


  • Engage students with a short video clip of a skilled actor portraying a multidimensional character
  • Pose the question: "What elements do you think are essential in creating a believable and authentic character on stage?"

Introduction to New Material:

  • Discuss the significance of physical, vocal, and psychological characteristics in character development
  • Provide examples of well-known characters and analyze their traits
  • Common misconception: Believing that only dialogue is crucial in character development

Guided Practice:

  • Students will work in pairs to create a character profile for a given scenario, focusing on physical, vocal, and psychological aspects
  • Scaffold questioning from identifying basic physical traits to delving into deeper psychological motivations
  • Monitor student performance by circulating the room, offering guidance, and providing feedback

Independent Practice:

  • Students will individually create a character profile for a new scenario, incorporating all three characteristics
  • They will then perform a monologue in character, showcasing their understanding of creating a multidimensional character
  • Behavioral expectation: Students will actively engage in the task and demonstrate creativity in character development


  • Conduct a brief group discussion on the challenges and successes encountered during character creation
  • Summarize key points on creating multidimensional characters in theatre

Extension Activity:

Students who finish early can engage in a peer review session where they provide feedback on each other's character profiles and monologues, focusing on the depth of character development.


For homework, students are required to watch a theatre performance (live or recorded) and analyze how the actors portray multidimensional characters on stage. They should reflect on the physical, vocal, and psychological aspects of the characters.

Standards Addressed:

  • New Jersey Content Standard for Theatre: 1.4.12adv.Cr3a
  • ISTE Standards for Students:
    • Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.
    • Global Collaborator: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

The lesson is very much in line with the work I regularly do in my classroom. It addresses the content standard, is sufficiently rigorous if employed by the instructor in a way that elaborates on each of the steps, and the assessment is aligned with the standards. The lesson is a bit vague in sharing what "techniques" are to be used. This lesson works if students have already been taught vocal technique and understand the use of pitch, rate, inflection, and context. The character analysis is also vague and the instructor would have to decide to teach Uta Hagen's Nine Questions, the Warner Loughlin technique, or other forms of character analysis. Aside from watching videos of performances, the lesson doesn't fully incorporate students using technology. The tool is useful for getting an idea started, creating an outline for a lesson, using language to articulate a plan, but should not be the sole source of lesson planning. 

Part II: MagicSchool AI Tool (Rubric Generator)

I chose to use the Rubric Generator to create an assessment tool for the monologue assignment incorporated in the Lesson Plan from Part I. Attached is a Link to the Rubric. I asked the application to create a 4pt rubric that addressed the standard and gave a description of the assignment. The rubric it provided is useful and with some adjustments for specific learning goals can be a useful tool for educators. Rubrics can be time consuming to create and this resource can create one in a short amount of time that works for the teacher. Teachers have a lot of responsibilities and MagicSchool AI can make some of the time consuming tasks quicker or at the least help a teacher who is creatively stuck or needs a jump start.

Monologue Performance Rubric

CriteriaExemplary (4)Proficient (3)Developing (2)Emerging (1)
Physical CharacteristicsStudent demonstrates a thorough understanding of the character's physical attributes, including posture, gestures, and mannerisms. These are consistently and effectively used throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a good understanding of the character's physical attributes, including posture, gestures, and mannerisms. These are mostly used effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a basic understanding of the character's physical attributes, including posture, gestures, and mannerisms. These are sometimes used effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates limited understanding of the character's physical attributes, including posture, gestures, and mannerisms. These are rarely used effectively throughout the performance.
Vocal CharacteristicsStudent demonstrates a thorough understanding of the character's vocal qualities, including tone, pitch, volume, and pace. These are consistently and effectively used throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a good understanding of the character's vocal qualities, including tone, pitch, volume, and pace. These are mostly used effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a basic understanding of the character's vocal qualities, including tone, pitch, volume, and pace. These are sometimes used effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates limited understanding of the character's vocal qualities, including tone, pitch, volume, and pace. These are rarely used effectively throughout the performance.
Psychological CharacteristicsStudent demonstrates a thorough understanding of the character's emotional state, motivations, and inner thoughts. These are consistently and effectively conveyed throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a good understanding of the character's emotional state, motivations, and inner thoughts. These are mostly conveyed effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates a basic understanding of the character's emotional state, motivations, and inner thoughts. These are sometimes conveyed effectively throughout the performance.Student demonstrates limited understanding of the character's emotional state, motivations, and inner thoughts. These are rarely conveyed effectively throughout the performance.
Believability and AuthenticityStudent creates a highly believable and authentic character that is engaging and compelling throughout the performance.Student creates a mostly believable and authentic character that is engaging and compelling for most of the performance.Student creates a somewhat believable and authentic character that is engaging and compelling for some of the performance.Student creates a limited believable and authentic character that is not engaging or compelling throughout the performance.

Part III: Reflection

I was very against the use of AI a year ago. I wanted nothing to do with it. However, my school created a series of Professional Development days that explored AI uses for teachers with a focus on MagicAI. I learned to use the chatbot Raina to help me brainstorm. I found the Letter of Recommendation tool to be useful in a pinch when a student needed a letter quickly. I found the translator very helpful when I needed to send an email to a parent who did not speak English. We are even being encouraged to use AI as we write the curriculum this summer. We have even used Co-pilot for design for posters or graphics although I find this application tends to be more difficult to achieve the desired creative result.  I have spent countless hours over the last eighteen years of my career creating original lessons, tests, etc. These are tools to lighten the load, explore new ideas, and save some precious time. 


International Society for Technology in Education. (2016). ISTE Standards: For Students. ISTE. https://iste.org/standards/students 

MagicSchool AI. (2023). Tools - Magic School. MagicSchool AI. https://app.magicschool.ai/tools 

New Jersey Department of Education. (June 2020). Visual and Performing Arts Standards: Theatre. (pp 128-135). https://www.nj.gov/education/cccs/2020/2020%20NJSLS-VPA.pdf


  1. HI, Elizabeth,
    I completely agree that the lessons created were light with actual knowledge of the curriculum and that it needs to be filled out by a teacher, but it does create a good jumping-off point. I'm glad to hear that Magic School has been useful to you and your colleagues. My school will be using the site this upcoming school year and I am eager to see how it will work. I love the rubric!

  2. Good afternoon, Elizabeth.

    I agree 100% that teachers have a ton on their plate, and I believe Magic School can be a tool to help with getting teachers un-stuck during the creative process.

    I’m excited to try out the rubric generator you mentioned as having a baseline rubric that was developed quickly can help establish the ground floor, so we can add to it and create a better one.

    I, like you, think that it does a fine job at creating a basic plan and we must supplement the plan with additional knowledge we want incorporated or the plan will be a bit lack luster.

    If you haven’t checked out the YouTube question generator, I’d highly recommend it. It seems like it’d be a great tool to ensure engagement with assigned videos.

    Thanks for sharing


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