Week 1- Part 2 and 3: ISTE Standards for Students


1.2 Digital Citizen, 1.2a Digital Footprint

Students in the Academy of Performing Arts Drama Program are taught about participating in the entertainment industry. As such, students are taught that as actors or performers, they must market themselves to obtain work. The path to auditions has changed from going door to door dropping off headshots and resumes, to creating an online presence. ISTE Standard 1.2a states "Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation, and are aware of the presence of their actions in the digital world. "One of the assignments that addresses this standard is the creation of the student's website portfolio. Students consider how they want to present themselves as a performer to the world. They understand that their website is how they will be viewed by potential casting directors. Students use the website to share their resume, headshots, photos of them performing, and reels of their work. They need to consider which performance videos they want to include for the world to see and judge. Each student has a school google email account. For this assignment, students will obtain parental permission to create a website using their personal email. The reason for this is so that when they graduate and their school email is disabled, they can continue to update and use their website to obtain work. Here is a link to the Website Assignment. Students would also need to link their social media accounts. There would be a lesson on social media for personal and professional use and how to use it as a public figure. As a part of this unit, students will research incidences in which actors or entertainers faced backlash or firing due to behavior or comments online. Students would note that in some cases, comments from performers were made years before they became famous. Students would come to the conclusion that what they share online now, could affect their careers in the future. 

Triple E Framework

Students utilize websites on a daily basis. This assignment Engages students by making them the creators. They are not passive in their own marketing and can use these skills in the future. The task Enhances student learning by allowing students to create, explore, and problem-solve. For example, students have the option to choose their own web builder. While some may have experience with Google Sites from using them in other classes, some may choose the aesthetics of another platform. They must learn how to add photos, menus, etc. from online tutorials or trial and error. The project Extends beyond the classroom since the goal of the project is to provide a means to market oneself for auditions and a career after graduation.


International Society for Technology in Education. (2024). ISTE Standards: For Students. ISTE.   


Kolb. L. (2015). Triple E. Framework. https://wwwtripleeframework.com 


  1. Hi Elizabeth! Learning how to use social media as a professional resource is so important for both actors and anybody in the workforce. It's so important to learn at a young age that the internet is permanent and anything you publish could have repercussions.

  2. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! As a fellow theatre teacher, I appreciate how you used technology and theatre together to benefit not only theatre instruction but also taking it further to teach how to use technology as professionals. The digital footprint left can have serious repercussions and out students need to understand this for their futures!


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